What is the Lion's Gate Portal?

Today, August 8, is a special day in astrology. It’s known as the Lion’s Gate Portal, a powerful period from July 28 to August 12 that peaks today. This time is believed to be especially fortunate for receiving cosmic gifts and aligning ourselves with the universe's abundant energies. While this astrological event highlights the alignment of the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth, it's also an opportunity to focus on personal growth and goal setting

Why the 2024 Lion’s Gate Portal is Extra Powerful

This year’s Lion’s Gate Portal holds even more significance. In 2024, the digits of the year add up to 8 (2+0+2+4), a number brimming with meanings of abundance and transformation. This magical alignment gives us an 888 configuration (MM/DD/YY), which is believed to amplify the portal's energy.

The Significance of the Number Eight Numerology

In numerology, the number eight is synonymous with infinite abundance and wealth. Its shape, resembling the infinity symbol (∞), signifies an endless flow of energy, opportunities, and resources. The number eight is often associated with the balance of material and spiritual aspects of life. It represents cycles of success and challenges, embodying the concept that true growth comes from overcoming obstacles and continually evolving.

  • Abundance: Eight is considered the number of prosperity and success. It is believed to attract financial stability and material wealth.
  • Power and Strength: People influenced by the number eight are often seen as strong, ambitious, and capable leaders.
  • Karma: The cyclical nature of eight symbolizes the law of cause and effect, emphasizing the importance of actions and their repercussions.

100 Affirmations to Tap into 8/8 Transformative Energy

Affirmations for Abundance

  1. I am a magnet for prosperity and abundance.
  2. My life overflows with wealth and success.
  3. I attract financial stability and growth.
  4. Opportunities for abundance are always available to me.
  5. I am open to receiving limitless abundance from the universe.
  6. My mind is focused on achieving abundance in all areas of life.
  7. I am worthy of financial prosperity and wealth.
  8. Abundance flows effortlessly into my life.
  9. Every day, I attract more and more abundance.
  10. My actions create constant prosperity and abundance.
  11. I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance on its way.
  12. My life is full of love, wealth, and health.
  13. I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
  14. I attract abundance in all forms, effortlessly.
  15. My financial situation is improving beyond my wildest dreams.
  16. I deserve to be wealthy and prosperous.
  17. Abundance and prosperity are my natural state.
  18. I have the power to create abundance in my life.
  19. My positive thoughts bring me financial abundance.
  20. I see opportunities for abundance everywhere I look.
  21. The universe constantly supplies me with everything I need.
  22. I trust in the universe to bring me prosperity and abundance.
  23. I am financially free and secure.
  24. My bank account is always growing.
  25. I am open to new and exciting opportunities for wealth.

Affirmations for Transformation

  1. I embrace change and welcome transformation.
  2. I am open to new beginnings and positive change.
  3. Transformation is a natural part of my life.
  4. I am constantly evolving and growing.
  5. I trust the process of transformation.
  6. I release old patterns and embrace new possibilities.
  7. Every change in my life brings me closer to my true self.
  8. I am empowered by the transformations in my life.
  9. I welcome transformation with an open heart and mind.
  10. I am a powerful agent of change in my own life.
  11. Transformation brings me joy and fulfillment.
  12. I am always evolving into a better version of myself.
  13. Change brings me new and exciting opportunities.
  14. I am open to the transformative energies of the universe.
  15. I embrace the unknown and trust in my transformation.
  16. My transformation leads to my greatest good.
  17. I am transforming into someone who achieves their dreams.
  18. I am grateful for the transformative experiences in my life.
  19. I let go of the old and welcome the new with grace.
  20. My life is a beautiful journey of transformation.
  21. Transformation is the key to my personal growth.
  22. I trust that every transformation leads me to my highest self.
  23. I am constantly transforming into a more empowered version of myself.
  24. Each day, I become more aligned with my true purpose.
  25. I embrace transformation and the incredible opportunities it brings.

Affirmations for Spiritual Awakening

  1. I am connected to the divine source of the universe.
  2. My spirit is awakened and aware.
  3. I trust my inner guidance and intuition.
  4. I am open to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  5. I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
  6. My soul is in harmony with the universe.
  7. I am surrounded by love and light.
  8. My spiritual path is clear and guided.
  9. I trust the journey of my spiritual awakening.
  10. My heart is open to the divine wisdom of the universe.
  11. I am aligned with my higher self.
  12. I embrace the spiritual lessons life offers me.
  13. My soul is at peace and in tune with the universe.
  14. I am grateful for my spiritual journey.
  15. I am always connected to my higher purpose.
  16. My spirit is strong, wise, and peaceful.
  17. I attract spiritual growth and understanding.
  18. I am open to the healing power of the universe.
  19. I am a channel for divine light and love.
  20. My spiritual journey brings me joy and fulfillment.
  21. I trust in the divine plan for my life.
  22. I am in tune with the spiritual energies around me.
  23. I am grateful for the guidance of my spirit guides.
  24. My soul is evolving and expanding.
  25. I am one with the universe.

Affirmations for Personal Power

  1. I am strong, capable, and confident.
  2. My personal power is unlimited.
  3. I am in control of my life and my destiny.
  4. I trust in my abilities and strengths.
  5. I am worthy of success and happiness.
  6. I embrace my inner power and strength.
  7. I am fearless in the pursuit of my dreams.
  8. My confidence grows with each passing day.
  9. I am a powerful creator of my own reality.
  10. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  11. My power is limitless and ever-growing.
  12. I am bold, brave, and brilliant.
  13. I am in command of my thoughts and actions.
  14. I trust in my personal power to achieve my goals.
  15. I am a force of positive change in the world.
  16. My inner strength guides me through challenges.
  17. I am resilient and can overcome any obstacle.
  18. I am a powerful being, and I create my own destiny.
  19. I stand in my power and speak my truth.
  20. My confidence and self-esteem are unshakable.
  21. I embrace my personal power with grace and ease.
  22. I am the master of my own life.
  23. I radiate confidence and self-assurance.
  24. My personal power inspires others.
  25. I am unstoppable in achieving my goals.

The Universe Supports Your Dreams

The universe is aligning to support your dreams right now. Use this opportunity to focus on your aspirations and work towards manifesting abundance and positive change. Believe in your potential and let this period inspire you to reach your highest self.

By embracing the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal and incorporating these practices into your routine, you can harness the magic of this powerful time to manifest abundance, personal growth, and positive transformation in your life.

Believe in your potential and let this period inspire you to reach your highest self.

To help you on this journey, use Innertune to rewire your subconscious mind with positive affirmations. Innertune is designed to support you in the achievement of your goals and help you manifest your dreams.

Remember: What you think, You Become.