Everyone wants to feel happier. Your mental health may seem like something you can’t control, but how you spend your time could make you feel more positive every day. Try starting new hobbies to improve your mental health. If you find an activity you enjoy, you’ll nurture your brain and reduce adverse feelings.

Taking a Daily Walk

Going outside for a 10-minute walk doesn’t seem radical, but there are immediate benefits for your mood. You don’t even need to push yourself to achieve a certain walking speed. Leisurely walking increases positive feelings by stimulating your central nervous system.

Try birdwatching or taking photos of cool things you see along the way to make your walk more fun and engaging. Whether you walk outdoors or on a treadmill, walking a little bit each day could make the positive mental health changes you want.

Volunteer Each Month

Feeling rooted in your community and giving back are powerful tools to fortify your mental well-being. Find volunteer events happening soon that are also close to home. If you try attending an event once a month, you can improve your self-confidence by making a difference for people in your community.

Indoor or Outdoor Yoga

Yoga is a calming activity. It requires pausing your daily routine, focusing on your breathing and moving with intention. Slowing down could be what you need to feel more joy. Try doing a short yoga routine at home or at a local studio.

The key is to practice mindfulness through your five senses while you do your yoga routine. If you don’t feel stuck in your swirling thoughts and feelings, your anxiety will decrease until your mental health is in a better state.

Make New Recipes

Cooking is one of the best hobbies to improve your mental health. It challenges you to learn new ways to make food while building on skills you’ve already developed. Build your self-confidence and flex your brain by trying a new recipe each week from a different culture.

Journaling on Paper or Online

Writing about your emotions releases them, which decreases your stress no matter what’s going on in your life. Consider starting a journal to feel better each day. You could write everything in a physical notebook or log your thoughts on an app. Either way, you’ll process your emotions so your mind doesn’t feel so cluttered.

Try Creating Art

People like to say that art is a form of self-expression, but it’s also a mental health tool. Activities like drawing, painting and sculpting require internal reflection. What do you want to make? Why is it meaningful to you? Those questions start introspective reflection periods that double as self-processing opportunities. Get to know yourself better and your future feelings won’t feel like a mystery.

Indoor or Outdoor Gardening

Taking care of plants improves mental health symptoms for numerous conditions while boosting your self-esteem. Gardening means you’re practicing compassion for the environment while affirming an activity that brings you joy. Try starting a garden with plants that don’t require much upkeep to see if developing a green thumb is something that makes you happy.

Listen to Peaceful Music

When was the last time you listened to your favorite playlist? Was it calming or did it add to your turbulent mental well-being? Saving time to listen to peaceful music is an excellent way to release any tension in your mind or body.

Try finding calming playlists on your preferred music app or saving videos with background music. You could listen during stressful moments or after finishing an anxiety-inducing activity. As you practice using music to boost your mental health, you’ll feel more in control of how you feel each day.

Improve Your Mental Health With New Hobbies

Hobbies aren’t just a fun way to pass the time. They can also improve your mental health if you choose activities that support your mind. Save a few minutes to try something new this month. Whether you find comfort in a sense of community, gardening, doing yoga or venting in a journal, you’ll ultimately feel more emotionally grounded every day.